Tuesday 27 July 2010

Sweet Reminiscence

Dammit, when did we grow up?

When did we stop sliding back & forth making giant waves in the bath?
When did we start caring about what people thought?
When did we stop playing in the dirt because it wasn't proper?
When did we start worrying about being perfect?
When did we stop thinking life was so simple,
and that the world ended at the end of your street?

When did we start hurting loving?

Sometimes, I hate reminiscing.


Sovina said...

so true ...we don't even realize it and lifer happens and we stop finding fun in the things that we used to..beautiful post :)

Sovina said...

And, following you now..:)

chantelle said...

such sweet but sorrowful reminscence, i miss being a child. . . those days seem so long gone :(

Anonymous said...

I wonder that all the time... It's hard to pull off this "grown-up" act...

Ripped Nylon

Fé... said...

I'm somehow caught myself huddling in this "Peter-Pan" Syndrome lately... Can we stay forever young and simply set aside all the adult stuff? Wouldn't life be easier? Wouldn't the world be more beautiful...