Friday, 2 September 2011

Happy Autumn!

From the 26th of August to the end of 2nd of September, throughout this anxious but memorable week, there is a spell of the extraordinarily beautiful autumn weather that always takes us by surprise, when the low sunshine is warmer than in spring; when the air is pure and thin, everything sparkles enough to sting the eyes; when you breathe deep and feel refreshed, drinking in the fragrant autumn air; when even the nights are warm, and on dark, warm nights like these golden stars startle or delight us by scattering themselves endlessly down the sky.

The weather was like this at ten o'clock on the 2nd of September. The morning light was magical. A strange and magnificent moment...

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful photo! Warm, sunny weather during autumn is the best!

    Check out my blog:
