Friday, 29 July 2011

Anorexic Obsession.

I wanna be so thin that people talk behind my back of how skinny I've become.


  1. I like what she says, nobody is perfect indeed ;)

    Thank you girl for your sweet comments :D I really appreciate<3


  2. You know what, I'll share something very personal with you. This very thing happened to me. I thought I'd enjoy it, but actually did not at all. There was a blog post about me by a person I have never met nor know (she lives on another continent, too). Entitled anorexic. Over one hundred comments followed analyzing my life and things done on the Web. In my real life people started shooting after me "anorexic", "give her a steak" when I jogged on Miami Beach... guys stopped looking at me. (If you want proof, go see pics on my blog dating last summer 2010, and make up your own mind if I look better or worse today.)

    I wanted to be sexier - SO didn't happen. I wanted to be noticed - got noticed but in an angry or scared looks type. I wanted to feel great - I ended up not wanting to show my arms, had cramps...

    Well, this is what happened to me. Now I am trying to come out of it all, and dare to live!

    I hope my comment doesn't annoy you!!! I just want to tell you this so that you know. Hugs dear you - you seem very sweet! Oh and my look... is a two-piece.

  3. Its one of man kinds obsession isnt it. The weight of you and how you look. People can say to me on the exact same day that Im too fat and too skinny. You can never win. Be comfortable in your own skin. The biggest judgemental person is yourself.

  4. Quite alarming reading this. I hope not many girls feel the same way.

  5. I am not stick thin and I don't stress too much about it! Every body is different, and I think that is a very good thing!


    p.s. It's the last day to enter the giveaway on my blog! Be sure to enter when you get the chance.

  6. nice blog!! I'm following you! hope you follow me back! =)


  7. you shouldn't think like that. it's not that easy to go back afterwards. maintaining healthy lifestyle and do sports is one thing, but anorexia is an illness, you sure know that.
    i'm not trying to judge or anything, but i have my own experience, so better don't think like that.

  8. Yeah, I was feeling the same some weeks ago. It's something weird cuz I didn't think like that NEVER. All the things around me told me 'thin, thin, thin' Models, clothes, fashion, on the street, in the bus... was something really weird.
    But now I don't think too much about that, I wanna work out and see...

  9. i like it your inspiration
    very good
    welcome to my vactory
