Wednesday, 7 April 2010

One April Day

One April day, we'll go miles away...
In the middle of nowhere, where the world is just ours.

With the breezy wind gently stroking our hairs,
the sun peeping from bushes of clouds,
pieces of dandelion flying around us...

I'll turn to you and say,
"I've always loved you and I'll always love you"


  1. hi! what a cute blog :) i just found it, and wanted to say hi!
    xo meg

  2. This one makes me cry.. April used to have a special meaning for me, and him..

  3. where's the place? with dandelions?...

    hope he says the same thins as u said =)

  4. Hi too Megara! Nice to have you around.

    Ha3 Live. April is a sweet month indeed yah...

    I'm thinking of New Zealand Jak. Vast green pastures... Feels like laying on the grass all day long...
