Saturday, 12 September 2009

Everything Will be Okay...

It had been a quiet transaction enough;
There was no explosion of passion, no loud altercation, no dispute, no defiance, no challenge,
no tears, no sobs.

A few words had been spoken;
a calmly pronounced objections to the relation;
Open admission of truth had been uttered.
And all was over.

Then I was in my room as usual, just myself without obvious changes.
Nothing had smitten me, or scathed me, or maimed me.

And yet, where was the "I" of yesterday?
Where was my life?
Where were my blissful prospects?

I sat down:
Till now I had only heard, seen, moved;
following up and down where I was led or dragged;
watched event rushed after event; disclosure opened beyond disclosure;

But now I thought:
What necessity is there to dwell on the Past,
when the Present is so much surer -the Future so much brighter?
Now I acted, and I knew Everything will be just Okay.


  1. You go girl! And yes, everything will always be okay. And when it's not, it means it's not the end yet :)

  2. the post is shinning my day =) Thank God, i read it in the morning and thanks Feb, for these beautiful piece, Go! Go! Go Febe!!

  3. Everything WILL be okay..
    I still need to figure out where the "I" is...

  4. One of the great things about doing posts like this is when you you're feeling low you can turn to these posts. It definitely put a smile on my face.

  5. Yeap Taylor. I think the two images just fit perfectly.

    Thanks for the kind encouragement, Live. You're the best!

    Go, Go, Go Jak! You never fail to make me grin, you know! You're such a beautiful soul.

    Sara, the I is just right there inside of you. It may have been crushed and pushed hard, but this beautiful "I" is just inside you. Give it a little time and you'll find it again :)

    It puts a smile in my face if I can share a lil slice of happiness with you Kim.

    Your writings are always beautiful as well, Sarah. You are one of my inspirations :)
