Thursday, 8 October 2009

Welcome to My Life!

I wish....
I could go back to you dearests with exciting stories about me,
getting back to working life.
I could elaborate details of the new job-desc,
with a big smile and glinting eyes.
I wish this editorial could represent my newly adopted daily life.


I wish...
I could spend more hours sitting in front of my notebook, lounging and
doing one of my most favorite things: BLOGGING.
(I've been abandoning the blog for how long? 1 week, 2 weeks? I'm losing track of time)...

The fact is:
I've been beside myself these days.
I'm stressful and out of my mind.
I've got insomnia attacks every night.
I sleep at 3/4 a.m. scraping for inspiration.
I've lost 4-6 pounds effortlessly (the bright side :p)

So, I've committed myself with 3 super-talented youngsters to a great partnership, handling marvelous projects.
And yes, I am ecstatically excited.
Thus here I am, overwhelmed by new challenges and high standard; which causes my confidence level to sink down one time and another.

I hope things will get better soon...
I'm hanging on, striving my best, and I know for sure: I CAN DO THIS!


  1. Nice to have you back Fe! I've been wondering about you and where you have been..

    Don't get too stressed Fe, I know you can do it. And sounds like fun yeah, marvelous projects with talented youngsters!! can't wait to see what that is :) meanwhile, good luck in everything you do dear..

  2. YESS!!! U CAN DO THAT!! Go Febe Gooo!!! He3...

    glad finally u r back in blogging =)

    ps: can Olive is so fast? i thought i will be the first person to realize that u r back ha3...this means ur post is missed by all of us =)

  3. Hang in there..things will get better! Lately I have been overwhelmed too and just sitting back and relaxing every now and then helps! Good luck!

  4. Thanks a lot ya Live, your encouragements REALLY REALLY mean a lot to me. I need as much of it as possible these days.

    Jak, my very special thanks to you. I know words won't suffice. I'm forever in debt with you. Thanks for helping going through the dark valley. I can see a streak of light now :) Thanks for listening to my ridiculous and annoying nagging!!! Gosh.

    Emily darling, you won't believe how happy I am for your comment. Thanks for this lil drop of attention. Really appreciate it :)

  5. I wish I was working on my assignment instead of my blog right now!

  6. Ha3 :D Blogging can be addictive sometimes, yea? I could just go on writing and writing all night long and not sleeping at all. Is that some kind of a healthy addiction? Rrrrr...
