Monday, 13 July 2009

Big Girls Don't Cry

When the going gets tough, and the tough gets going...
Whine no more, nag no more...
Say one word only: RESILIENCE.


  1. it's ok to cry makes u more relieve..

    but, yeah u true...whine and nag is useless.

    at this time, i'll try to fill my mind with resilience

  2. agree with jak :)
    it's ok to cry..
    because sometimes our vision could be cleared
    only if it is washed away with our tears..

  3. "because dometimes our vision could be cleared only if it is washed away with our tears.."

    see Feb...Aileen is an inspiring writer...

    read her old friendster blog and u will be WOW

  4. This where I have to disagree guys, crying doesn't clear our vision. Staying sober and contemplation does -at least for me. Crying simply exhausts you and leads nowhere.

    Btw, where and how can I access Aileen's old friendster blog? I don't have a friendster account FYI :p Please help this techno-blind girl, I'm so eager to read them!

  5. blogger sejati ternataa..apikk blog mu..y apa seh carae tambah icon2 di samping kanan?
